A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Jumper is a simple one button game not unlike a certain no internet game I'm sure most Chrome users are familiar with. You can use any button on your keyboard or even a gamepad. Any input will make the player jump. Avoid the saw blade, collect the stopwatches go for the big score! Everything else should be pretty intuitive, so go ahead and try it out!

Be sure to screenshot your high score and post it for a spot on the leaderboard! After the game over screen you have about 5 seconds before the game restarts, so make sure to get it quick! Additionally, anyone who can keep the #1 space for more than a week and prove it will win a sneek-peek at my next game, which I'll be releasing sometime in 2026 (hopefully).

Current Record

#1 ***193, LowKeyDev***



Highest known score (in an older and easier version) was somewhere in the nieghborhood of 720. My alpha tester claims he got to 800, but I don't know for sure. I don't recommend going this far over the record because it WILL take hours, your brain WILL turn the mush and you WILL NOT be able to get the music out of your head.

Many thanks to FesliyanStudios for the soundtrack, easily the most comprehensive royalty-free sound website out there, no login or registration needed (no, I'm not sponsored).

Additional credit goes to myinstants.com for providing the sound effects.


JumperMac.zip 42 MB
JumperWin.zip 62 MB
JumperLinux.tar.gz 19 MB

Install instructions

Non-Mac users; you're going to want unzip the folder and open the file called "game.exe" or just "game".

Mac users; just unzip and enjoy.

Thanks for downloading!

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